Public Relations

Most small and start up businesses either don’t believe they need or can afford Public Relations. Good PR goes hand in hand with any marketing efforts. Marketing focuses on active client acquisition while a PR firm will use networking channels to increase the effectiveness of those marketing efforts. Whether you are looking to grow your brand or build awareness of your current branding efforts, we can support your business.


The DFS Agency will focus on your target audience and create awareness for your business through the drafting and distribution of press releases. Whether that is providing commentary from your business on hot button issues, or creating market awareness for your target audience, we will do that on your behalf. We interact with all media interfaces creating news for your desired markets. We can provide media coverage locally without the need for commercial advertisements. If you have a narrative that you want to get out, we can circulate that narrative! We can also help develop and promote your businesses narrative. Providing your consumer the obvious reason they should choose your business for their needs. We tell the consumer why they “need” you!


No one tells a story better than The DFS Agency. Want your voice to be heard? Want your story told? We can do that, too!